Earth Open Source is a nonprofit organisation. We’re working on major projects to assure a safe, sustainable food supply all around the world – but we can’t do it without your help.
Over the last three years we have produced seven groundbreaking reports, often in collaboration with other groups, experts and scientists:
- GMO Myths and Truths (2nd edition): An evidence-based examination of the claims made for the safety and efficacy of GM crops.
- 10 Reason why do not need GM Foods.
- Europe’s pesticide and food safety regulators: Who do they work for?
- GM Soy: Sustainable? Responsible?: Summary of over a hundred independent studies.
- Roundup and birth defects: Is the public being kept in the dark?
- Conflicts on the menu: A decade of industry influence at the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA).
- Charter for the GM industry: EU Commission is trying to water down GMO risk assessment – just as new research shows and EU approved GM maize can cause massive tumours, premature death and organ damage.
Each report has had a large impact on the worldwide debate on the use of GMOs in our food supply. For example, between June and August 2012 the first edition of the GMO Myths and Truths report was downloaded 304,700 times. This report, now available in an extended 330-page 2nd edition, is used by activists, educators and policymakers in Europe, Asia, Australasia, and North and South America. Volunteer collaborators have initiated translations into other languages.
Any donation you give will help in the fight for a better and more sustainable food supply and for better agricultural practices.